Saturday, October 22, 2011

Paradise Lost

Bad News are all around us-nonstop. Every tv channel one turns to, every website we surf,  we are immediately confronted by the bad news of the day. The news organizations lick their lips as they ponder which batch of bad news to inflict on the public and the people, meanwhile, are silently terrorized in the process. A sad turn of events, really. Of course we the people only have ourselves to blame. The simplest thing to do is to change the channel or ,even better, turn off the tv.

Things aren't really as bad as the media would have us believe. Certainly there is more than enough poverty to go around, that much is indisputable. Never-ending hardship and people, through no fault of their own, have suffered economic difficulties. Yes, we've been here before. This is nothing new to a country that survived(barely) the Great Depression. The choice then is to move forward-a better day awaits around the corner. Is it really that unthinkable to scale back from a richer lifestyle?

The way to maintain  composure in the Great Depression version 2.0 is to develop an antidote to counteract the poisons from the propaganda news channels. Some Ideas:  Marathon watching sessions of programs containing positive , upbeat messages. A good example is the now-gone Psych. A feel-good buddy comedy is just what the doctor ordered for the dark  clouds that hang over our national consciousness. The mastery of a musical instrument is also highly advised. Life skills are quickly acquired in the course of learning the fundamentals of any instrument. Discipline, persistence, humility. These qualities will ensure success for the forward-looking optimist.

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