Friday, August 29, 2014

(Knee) Defender

We live in difficult times. Mass poverty has produced a nation of perpetual grumps who will fly off the handle in a matter of seconds. And now a hare-brained inventor is going to compound the misery for everyone else. His invention prevents the offending seat from fully reclining. Fantastic! Conversely, the airlines should install wrestling mats and let the quarreling parties go at it in no-holds-barred matches. In-flight entertainment deluxo!

What's happened to the world? Has it become a planet full of Grumps? Where is the tolerance and the live-and-let live attitude? The Grumps should relax by scavenging their vintage/pawn shops for classic video games like Midway's Defender. Warm memories will bubble to the surface. Classic. Any disagreement will be easily resolved with such a game. Bragging rights will be an added bonus.

Stop this pettiness and get on with helping our fellow man. Tough times require Good People to pull themselves up by their bootstraps. No one has time for small arguments and childish disagreements. Knee Defender....(sigh). Truthfully, those airline seats should never recline as far as they do. The author has been subject to inconsiderate passengers as well(and at a height of 6'2, no less). A tolerant nature and a thick skin ensured flights without incidents.

 Passengers have long become accustomed to being packed like sardines into a shabby aluminum can. It's hard to believe that flying used to a pleasurable experience that was reserved for the affluent and well-to-do. There were no TSA agents fondling children or the elderly back then.

Instead of Knee Defender...Midway Defender. Resolve disagreements through spirited challenges in Centipes, Ms. Pacman, Asteroids, etc.,. Good-natured competition is the antidote for petty disagreements.

Make sure to explore the rest of the blog for a further discussion on health, fitness, diabetes prevention, the Grumpiness Index, and the status of Fine Arts, the decline of the Empire. New material is being posted every day as inspiration strikes. Occasionally widgets and banners will appear and disappear, text will appear out of place. A work in progress is in effect and a refined product will result shortly. All readers are invited to read, comment and offer suggestions. Defender. Defend her.

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